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Pride Month: A Reflection & Celebration

Table of Contents:

1. A Pride Letter from our CEO

2. A Question for the Jade Stone Team

3. What this means for Our Clients

Three years ago, founder Katie Motta's father came out as trans. While this revelation might stun some, Katie's response was immediate - "When do we get to go shopping?"

Today, intersectionality is at the heart of everything we do. Jade Stone is committed to understanding the diversity within the community and promoting LGBTQ+ brands. Through our posts, articles, and campaigns, we aim to celebrate the extraordinary courage of the LGBTQ+ community long after Pride month ends. Read on to learn more about how Jade Stone Branding is, and will continue to be, a safe place for everyone.

A Pride Letter from our CEO*:

*Disclaimer: When speaking in the past tense, old pronouns are being used, and for present tense, current pronouns are used.

In 2021, my father came out as a trans woman. He sat my brother and me down, telling us he'd always felt out of place. At age four, he felt he was really a girl, but everyone called him a boy. My father was extremely nervous to tell us that he was going to transition and had been holding in the details of his plans for a year and a half.

When my dad came out, I was immediately supportive of her journey. I didn't need time to think about it. My dad is my dad. My immediate response was: "When do we get to go shopping and update your wardrobe?".

The only thing that changed is that it's finally acceptable for me to paint her nails like I had been begging for as a kid (she has the nicest nails I've ever seen!). Otherwise, she's still the same person, she just wears different clothes.

When she first came out, I cried for a week - but not for the reason you'd expect. What upset me was that she felt that she had to hide her identity from everyone for so long.

I spent a lot of time thinking about how much time she could have had to be herself had she been able to come out sooner. I also wished that when she was growing up, she had a supportive family that nurtured her instead of forcing her to push those thoughts deep into her subconscious.

When I was growing up, my dad and I were close and we still are today. She taught me to be independent, to face my fears head-on, and so much more. But most importantly, she taught me to always do what's right and stand up for others - even if no one else will.

I learned at a young age to be accepting of all people and to be empathetic to different situations. While I was supportive of the LGBTQ community for my whole life, now that I realize how close it’s been to me, my passion has grown significantly.

Two women holding a sign that says "Dedham Pride" in front of a rainbow flag
Katie and her dad at a Dedham Pride event in 2024.

I'm so proud of my dad, and her courage to finally come out publicly and not let anything stop her from being who she really is. After almost 70 years of repressing her true self, she can finally thrive.

A Question for Our Team - Why is it important to support the LGBTQ Community?

Woman in a white spotted green dress on a couch smiling at the camera

Katie Motta, CEO

Supporting the LGBTQ+ community is extremely important because you don't know what someone is enduring in their everyday life and the struggles they have to overcome.

Give support to those who ask for it. Be considerate of the struggles of others and make sure you use your privileged voice to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.

A man in a coffee shop smiling at the camera

Earl Dauley - Sales & Operations

I think back to Dr. King, who had a dream for people to be judged "by the content of their character". The LGBTQ+ community, like all other marginalized groups, deserves respect and tolerance as a basic human right. There is no room for prejudice or hate in today's world. So if you have an opportunity to lift up someone who is different from you, take it - the world will be a better place for it.

Corporate headshot of a woman with blue eyeliner, red lipstick, and curly hair smiling at the camera

Samantha Karasinski - Art Director

Demonstrating support for the LGBTQ+ community is essential throughout all parts of the year. Recognizing the frequent lack of representation in media for this group, I am committed to incorporating imagery of the community and casting LGBTQ+ models in my projects. As an Art Director, I prioritize ensuring that everyone can see themselves reflected and feel confident in their identity.

Woman with red lipstick in a blue tank top smiling coyly at the camera

Lesly Linares - Junior Designer

It is important to support the LGBTQ+ community because their voices are equally valuable and deserve to be heard. They are a part of our society, our neighbors, friends, and family members. Supporting them shows the respect they deserve and adds the inclusivity that is needed in our society. Standing with the LQBTQ+ community should be celebrated and upheld as a human right.

Woman with red-orange natural hair looking off to the side and taking her glasses off

Rachel Ezrin - Lead Writer & Social Media Manager

Every year, our world becomes more accepting of diverse identities. While we’ve made amazing progress over the last decade, it’s important to remember that these rights aren’t guaranteed. Today, we’re a single election away from LGBTQ+ individuals losing their rights and access to gender-affirming care. Supporting the LGBTQ+ community today means that our rights will be protected for generations to come.

What this means for our clients:

Jade Stone is a safe place for people of any gender, sexuality, or identity. We're passionate about telling our clients' stories, and welcome people from all walks of life. While our niche focuses on feminine designs, we recognize that everyone has a different style. Jade Stone is ready to adapt to your needs and ensure that your audience feels seen.

Jade Stone is a partner, a confidant, and a cheerleader. We focus our energy on supporting clients no matter their journey. While other cannabis branding agencies capitalize on short-term financial gains, we focus on creating long-term sustainable relationships with our clients. No matter your needs, Jade Stone is ready to support you.


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